EXCEL Korean Pole Concept System


내구성있는 고품질 부품
Durable High Quality Components

무료 설치
Free Installation

당신의 꿈의 옷장을 구축
Build Your Dream Wardrobe
Introducting Excel's modular wardrobe, where you can custom build your own storage space. By picking from our range of components, you can can create your own wardrobe system to fit in your living space. With free installation and minimal fuss, you can easily achieve your ideal wardrobe system.

유연한 가구
Flexible Furnishings
The Excel Korean Pole Concept System comprises of interchangeable storage components to store your household objects. It also blends easily into every important living space, such as your master bedroom, study room or hall. The system come in two variations, wall mounted and ceiling mounted to fit your needs.

원하는 색상과 소재 선택
Pick Your Choice of Colour & Material

세 가지 간단한 단계
3 Simple Steps To Attain The Classy Look

Measure the space you would like to install the pole system and decide on how you want your pole system to look like.

Choose from our range of pole systems on this page and select the options you desire

Free installation will be provided to assemble your chosen pole system in your living space.